jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

My technological biography


I still remember my first time programming on a personal computer. It was a long time ago- 30 years ago, to be exact. I was living in Canada because my father´s scholarship .There, he bought a Tandy Radio Shack .
When we came back to Argentina I started programming Q Basic. At that time there was no Internet at home so the only way to learn it was through a book: "Basic para niños"
Technology was not considered as a subjet when I attended school. Just when I was 17 yeras old Ihad a teacher who taught me how to use Word and Excel (Miscrosoft)
Then, when I was 24 I bought my first personal computer and connected to the Intenet. I was so happy! I was able to learn a lot! Due to I was working as a primary school teacher it was hard to find time to study. However, I got several IT degrees:
Planificación por computadora Resolución 1066. Dirección de Educación Inicial y Primaria. (8 de diciembre de 2000)  INTEL Educar para el futuro UCC Facultad de Educación (marzo y abril de 2004)  Postítulo en Aplicaciones Informáticas UBP y La Voz del Interior (2007)  Creación de Material Educativo Multimedia Telecom - Profesores para el Futuro. UTN de Buenos Aires.  Curso E-learning para docentes (EDM) Manejo de plataforma Moodle Telecom - Profesores para el Futuro. UTN de Buenos Aires .  Nuevas tendencias de aprendizaje en la Red – Web 2.0 Ministerio de Educación - Gobierno de la Provincia de Córdoba. I loved usin Tecnology in every class!
I got married. I was prgnant of my first son whe I attended my final exam to became a web designer. Two weeks later, Santiago was born. The year when Ana Paula, my second child, was born, I was on line studying to become a Web Developer.
Raising children, working at school and studying was very difficult. Because all of these facts, I took the riskiest decision of my life: quit my job to pursue my dreams. After 15 years, I quit my teacher job.
I am actually working freelance and running my own business: IEventos ( web site that helps couples to organize their weddings through their own sites)
I have a long way to go, so many to learn, an amazing programming word to find out... and I am so exciting!!!

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